UMass Boston

Nursing PhD

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Take your place on the intersection of nursing, population health, and health policy.

The Nursing PhD program at UMass Boston prepares you to become an effective nurse leader with the highest-level qualifications in order to address critical population health problems/conditions. Graduates have taken on leadership roles as policy analysts, researchers, and educators. The program has a BS-PhD option and an MS-PhD option.

In the Nursing PhD program at UMass Boston, you will:

  • Analyze historical, sociological, economic, political, and healthcare  perspectives of population health issues and health policies.
  • Evaluate health policies that influence the access, quality, and  cost of healthcare delivery and nursing practice locally and globally
  • Generate theory-guided qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research that advances Nursing Science with an emphasis in population health or health policy.
  • Create innovative, evidence-based strategies to shape population health and health policy development at local, national, and global levels based on contemporary nursing and interdisciplinary research.
  • Relate new inquiries, activities, and values to role development as a nurse scientist, steward of the discipline, and educator for the next generation

Career Possibilities

Analyze healthcare policies and assess their impact on nursing practice and patient care as a healthcare policy analyst. Oversee and manage nursing departments, units, or healthcare organizations as a nursing administrator. Or, conducting innovative and impactful research as a nursing scientist. These are just a few of the possibilities a Nursing PhD offers.

Become a(n):

  • Nursing Researcher
  • Nursing Administrator
  • Healthcare Policy Analyst
  • Nurse Consultant
  • Nursing Faculty

Start Your Application

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How to Apply

  • Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended
  • Personal statement: As a prompt, focus on the following: Specific interest in either Health Policy or Population Health, Rationale/basis for interest in pursuing a PhD in Nursing, Current major research and policy or population health interests in nursing/health care, Description of professional post-PhD goals with relevance to health policy or population health.
  • Two professional references
  • Current résumé or CV
  • Bachelor’s degree in Nursing from an accredited program (BS-to-PhD). Master’s degree in Nursing or related field from an accredited program (MS-to-PhD)
  • Nursing license, certification (if applicable)
  • Candidates are encouraged to schedule an interview with the Program Director or her/his designate as part of the application process.

International Students

In addition to the general admissions requirements, international students must take both the TOEFL exam and IELTS exam and meet the minimum score requirements. For additional information on the international student application process, please refer to the “Special Instructions” section in your application.

Deadlines & Cost

Deadlines: February 1 for fall

Application Fee: The nonrefundable application fee is $75. UMass Boston alumni and current students that plan to complete degree requirements prior to graduate enrollment can submit the application without paying the application fee.

Program Cost Information: Bursar's website


Course Requirements - BS to PhD Health Policy and Population Health Track

Required Courses (21 Credits)

  • NURSNG 607 - Evidenced Based Teaching Practices 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 700 - Philosophy of Nursing Science: Ways of Knowing 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 702 - Doctoral Seminar 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 741 - Health Policy I 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 745 - Population Health I 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 750 - Contemporary Disciplinary Knowledge 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 770 - Biostatistics II: Advanced Statistical Methods in Healthcare Research 3 Credit(s)

Research Methods Courses (9 Credits)

  • PPOL-G 609L - Qualitative Methods and Field Research 3 Credit(s)
  • EHS 825L - Advanced Quantitative Research Methods I 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 825L - Advanced Quantitative Research Methods I 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 780 - Epidemiologic Methods 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 790 - Integrating concepts & methods for research development 3 Credit(s)

Methods Electives (9 Credits)

  • NURSNG 608 - The Nurse Educator in the Academic Setting 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 609 - The Nurse Educator in the Practice Setting 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 618 - Introduction to Health Policy, Finance and Ethics 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 637 - Mental and Psychosocial Health of the Urban Family 3 Credit(s)

Dissertation Research (9 Credits)

  • NURSNG 899 - Dissertation Research 3-9 Credit(s)

Course Requirements - MS to PhD Health Policy and Population Health Track

Required Courses (21 Credits)

  • NURSNG 607 - Evidenced Based Teaching Practices 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 700 - Philosophy of Nursing Science: Ways of Knowing 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 702 - Doctoral Seminar 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 741 - Health Policy I 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 745 - Population Health I 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 750 - Contemporary Disciplinary Knowledge 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 770 - Biostatistics II: Advanced Statistical Methods in Healthcare Research 3 Credit(s)

Research Methods Courses (9 Credits)

  • PPOL-G 609L - Qualitative Methods and Field Research 3 Credit(s)
  • EHS 825L - Advanced Quantitative Research Methods I 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 825L - Advanced Quantitative Research Methods I 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 780 - Epidemiologic Methods 3 Credit(s)
  • NURSNG 790 - Integrating concepts & methods for research development 3 Credit(s)

Methods Electives (9 Credits)

Complete three courses chosen in consultation with the graduate program director.

Dissertation Research (9 Credits)

  • NURSNG 899 - Dissertation Research 3-9 Credit(s)

For more information on curriculum, including course descriptions and degree requirements, visit the Academic Catalog.

Learning Outcomes

  • Analyze historical, sociological, economic, political, and healthcare perspectives of population health issues and health policies.
  • Evaluate health policies that influence the access, quality, and cost of healthcare delivery and nursing practice locally and globally.
  • Generate theory-guided qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research that advances Nursing Science with an emphasis in population health or health policy.
  • Create innovative, evidence-based strategies to shape population health and health policy development at local, national, and global levels based on contemporary nursing and interdisciplinary research.
  • Relate new inquiries, activities, and values to role development as a nurse scientist, steward of the discipline, and educator for the next generation.

Graduation Criteria

Program Requirements - BS to PhD Health Policy and Population Health Track

Complete 48 credits from 14 courses including seven required courses, three research methods courses, three methods electives, and nine credits of dissertation research.

Doctoral candidacy: Students must pass written and oral comprehensive exams which is a prerequisite for doctoral candidacy. The written exam consists of two papers (one conceptual and one methodological) or one paper plus research portfolio (combination of paper and research portfolio must represent a balance between conceptual and methods knowledge).
Dissertation: Candidates must complete and defend a dissertation written in traditional five-chapter or three-manuscript format.

En Route MS: A non-clinical, generic master’s degree in nursing can be awarded en route to the PhD after completing 30 credits.
The 30 credits comprise 21 credits from the BSN-PhD curriculum plus 9 credits required as part of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s Essentials - Advanced Health Assessment (ex NU 615), Advanced Pharmacology (ex NU 634), and Advanced Pathophysiology (ex NU 614).

Statute of limitations: Eight years.

Program Requirements - MS to PhD Health Policy and Population Health Track

Complete 48 credits from 14 courses including seven required courses, three research methods courses, three methods electives, and nine credits of dissertation research.

Doctoral candidacy: Students must pass written and oral comprehensive exams which is a prerequisite for doctoral candidacy. The written exam consists of two papers (one conceptual and one methodological) or one paper plus research portfolio (combination of paper and research portfolio must represent a balance between conceptual and methods knowledge).
Dissertation: Candidates must complete and defend a dissertation written in traditional five-chapter or three-manustrict format.

Statute of limitations: Eight years.


Nursing PhD Program

Graduate Program Director Jacqueline Fawcett
jacqueline.fawcett [at]

nursing students around conference table with image on presentation screen


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